Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 24 – 30 mars 2014 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 3 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, aucun musée français n’était présent.



Contenus muséaux les plus « partagés » sur Facebook


8 701 Van Gogh Museum

Timeline Photos (Art of the Day: Van Gogh, Orchard with Blossoming Apricot Trees (The Pink Orchard), March 1888. Oil on canvas, 64.5 x 80.5 …

8 153 Art People Gallery

Pic of the Day:Artpeople by Terry Border…

7 270 Art People Gallery

Organic Sculptures by: Jaehyo Lee (13 new photos)

6 807 Rijksmuseum

No text, click here to see the post.

6 765 Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil

Ficou mais fácil acompanhar tudo o que acontece no CCBB. Baixe o livreto com a programação e aproveite para fazer o seu cadastro. É mais prá …

6 104 Art People Gallery

New Large-Scale 3D Drawings by Ben Heine

5 514 Royal Collection Trust

Buckingham Palace has today confirmed details of the forthcoming Irish State Visit. This will be the first State Visit to the UK by a Presid …

5 476 Art People Gallery

Cleverly Placed Miniature Cement Sculptures by: Isaac Cordal (15 new photos)

5 474 Art People Gallery

Suspended Stone Installations by Jaehyo Lee

5 249 Art People Gallery

Creative Leaf Art by :Tang Chiew Ling (11 new photos)


Contenus les plus « partagés » sur Twitter


839 Tate

Here’s what the Turbine Hall looked like before it became #TateModern! #BehindTheArt

449 British Film Institute

When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them: no, I went to films Quentin Tarantino #bornonthisday

429 Royal Collection Trust

Gallery: The Queen meets singer Niall Horan from One Direction during a reception at Buckingham Palace to …

323 Southbank Centre

Please join with us in wishing Sandi and Debbie Toksvig every happiness and thanks for sharing your big day with us

309 Royal Collection Trust

#OneDirection band member @NiallOfficial arrives at #BuckinghamPalace for tonight’s reception for the

306 Tate

Did you know artworks were sent into the Underground for protection during the Second World War? #BehindTheArt

297 Royal Collection Trust

Sonra na Cuairte Stit deimhnithe ag Pls Buckingham, chad chuairt ar an Rocht Aontaithe ag Uachtarn ar irinn:

283 National Museum of American History

Coltrane’s “A Love Supreme” is 50 years old, 33 minutes long, and a jazz masterpiece.

273 Royal Collection Trust

Employees from @LloydsofLondon take to the balconies and escalators for a glimpse of The Queen at today’s #Royalvisit

262 Museum of Modern Art

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was born today in 1886. Browse his concept sketches on our website:

Sources: Museum Analytics

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