Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 30 décembre 2013 – 5 janvier 2014 (Museum Analytics)

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Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, le Musée du Louvre était  présent à deux reprises dans le classement Facebook.



Contenus muséaux les plus « partagés » sur Facebook

10 661 Edvard Munch

Happy New Year!!

8 015 Musée du Louvre

Belle, heureuse et paisible année 2014 ! Happy New Year!

6 251 Charles M. Schulz Museum

This strip was published on November 19th, 1965.

5 932 National September 11 Memorial Museum

One World Trade Center on the first day of 2014. #Honor911

5 883 Museo Frida Kahlo

¡Feliz año para todos ustedes! Agradecemos a los más de 270 mil seguidores que hacen posible la existencia de esta comunidad, ¡sigamos cr …

5 864 Museum of Modern Art

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping for a midnight kiss. [René Magritte. “The Lovers.” 1928.]

5 590 Charles M. Schulz Museum

Happy New Year’s Eve! This strip was published on December 31st, 1977.

5 399 Musée du Louvre

Merci à Peter pour cette belle photo ! Have a nice day !

5 052 Charles M. Schulz Museum

This strip was published on January 21st, 1966.

4 829 Saatchi Gallery

Happy Friday everyone! We love this photo by Erik Johansson.

Contenus les plus « partagés » sur Twitter

1 620 Design Museum

British architect Norman Foster unveils Skycycle, a proposed network of elevated cycle lanes above London’s railways

561 Museum of Modern Art

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping for a midnight kiss.

538 Tate

Nothing can be accomplished without love Happy birthday Henri Matisse!

406 Tate

Happy birthday Patti Smith!

264 The British Library

A ‘girdle book’ is a small portable book. attached to a girdle or belt. #ManuscriptMonday

262 The British Library

Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille alphabet was born #onthisday in 1809. #BrailleDay

221 Pera Muzesi-Museum

Doum gnn kutlu olsun Osman Hamdi Bey! | Happy birthday Osman Hamdi Bey!

202 Saatchi Gallery

After years of ballet training, Kylli Sparre channels her passion for dance into photography & image manipulation

174 Museum of Modern Art

Time for New Years resolutions. First up? Quit smoking! Our Magritte exhibition closes 1/12.

174 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Happy birthday to Alfred Stieglitz, born on this day in 1864. See a slideshow of his works:
Sources: Museum Analytics

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