Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 02 avril – 13 avril 2014 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 3 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, aucun musée français n’était présent.



Contenus muséaux les plus « partagés » sur Facebook


23 290 Art People Gallery

Artist Samantha French was born raised in Minnesota where she attended the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and now lives and works in …

19 054 Art People Gallery

Joel Rea was born in 1983 and graduated from Queensland College of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2003 He lives and works in Queensland …

15 527 Royal Collection Trust

You can view the images from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s #RoyalVisitNZ so far here: (

15 490 Royal Collection Trust

You can read our Storify blog from Prince George’s play date at the Plunket Society in New Zealand here: (

13 415 Royal Collection Trust

‘We, who inhabit these islands, should live together as neighbours and friends’ The Queen has made her speech at the Irish State Banquet a …

12 231 Art People Gallery

by: Bing Wright (by: Bing Wright)

11 831 Royal Collection Trust

The historic Irish State Visit begins later today when the President and Mrs Higgins arrive in the UK. Read more about the programme for the …

11 753 Art People Gallery

Originally from Ottawa, Elly Smallwood moved to Toronto to pursue her love of art at OCAD University. She graduated with her BFA in Drawing …

10 654 Art People Gallery

Pic of the Day: By :Seth…

9 650 Art People Gallery

Iranian Artist Shaghayegh Shojaian creating a beautiful and multifaceted portrait of Iran (Iranian Artist Shaghayegh Shojaian creating a bea …



Contenus les plus « partagés » sur Twitter


1 052 Royal Collection Trust

T Londain bainte amach ag Uachtarn na hireann agus ag Bean U Uiginn, agus chuir ionada na Banrona filte rompu #Filte #CuairtStit

692 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum

.@springsteen inducts the Big Man, @StevieVanZandt & the rest of the E Street Band into @rock_hall. #rockhall2014

526 Tate

‘The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls’. Pablo Picasso #artquote

392 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Remembering architect Frank Lloyd Wright who died on this day in 1959 at the age of 91: 

385 National Museum of American History

40 years ago today: Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth’s career home run record of 714.

317 Saatchi Gallery

It took 6 hours for Smithsonian photo contest finalist Graham McGeorge to capture this gorgeous eastern screech owl

304 Museo del Prado

#TalDaComoHoy en 1614 falleca en Toledo Domenicos Theotocopoulos #ElGreco (« El caballero de la mano en el pecho »)

299 Historic Royal Palaces

The Great Green Tower of London? The White Tower goes green to mark the #IrishStateVisit

288 National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution

Today in 1959: NASA introduced the first U.S. astronauts, the Mercury Seven:

273 Saatchi Gallery

« It takes a long time to become young. » – Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist who died #onthisday in 1973

Sources: Museum Analytics

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