Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 24 – 30 juin 2013 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 3 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, le Musée du Louvre a occupé trois places (5è, 6è et 10è) du top 10 des contenus muséaux les plus relayés sur facebook dans le Monde mais aucun musée français n’est apparu dans le Top 10 des messages sur twitter. 


Contenus muséaux les plus « partagés » sur Facebook

9 349 Saatchi Gallery

Check out this piece of street art in Sao Paulo by L7m.

8 231 Saatchi Gallery

Today is the anniversary of Paul Klee’s death. Here’s one of his best loved works and a great quote for the day: « Drawing is like taking a l …

7 338 Saatchi Gallery

We are loving this new installation by Berndnaut Smilde whose clouds made it to TIME’s top 10 inventions if 2012. To see his work at the Saa …

5 266 Saatchi Gallery

Leandro Erlich, whose fantastic swimming pool installation we featured recently, has created a new interactive work in London’s Dalston whic …

5 153 Musée du Louvre

Don exceptionnel pour les collections du Louvre : un Christ en croix d’un artiste florentin autour de 1500, Michel-Ange ? Un très beau Ch …

4 888 Musée du Louvre

APPEL A CANDIDATURE : vous aimez l’art en général et le Louvre en particulier ? Vous êtes libre ce mercredi 26 juin à 18h00 (durée 30 minute …

4 572 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Our dedicated Kandinsky gallery on Annex Level 3 reopens today with « Kandinsky in Paris, 1934–1944. » The new exhibition examines the work Va …

4 256 American Latino Museum

Happy birthday to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor! Justice Sotomayor is the first Latina justice of the United States Supreme Cour …

4 232 Museo del Prado

Últimos días para inscribirse en el Curso de Verano de la Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, « Museos y mecenazgo, hoy » que tendrá lugar d …

4 157 Musée du Louvre

Qui a peint ces mains ? Who is the painter ? 


Contenus les plus « partagés » sur Twitter

89 British Film Institute

Hitchcock’s wise words are today’s Quote of the Day at Archway tube station! #londonunderground

62 British Film Institute

Watch the exclusive trailer for Gothic: The Dark Heart of Film: #bfigothic

51 British Film Institute

In believing too much in rationality, our contemporaries have lost something Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski #bornonthisday

49 British Film Institute

Humor is just another defense against the universe. Legendary film funny-man Mel Brooks, 87 today #bornonthisday

49 British Film Institute

Happy birthday to There Will Be Blood director Paul Thomas Anderson. Watch his career through five shots:

47 British Film Institute

Catch Ken Loach’s passionate documentary #Spiritof45 at 9pm tonight on @Film4 (TV premiere):

46 Anne Frank House

It is 66 years ago today that the #diary of #AnneFrank first appeared in print. Dutch in 1947, German and French in 1950. English in 1952.

45 British Film Institute

Ben Wheatley’s new film A Field in England marks a UK distribution first – watch it how you want, where you want:

41 British Film Institute

This October, we’ll be releasing Kurosawa’s masterpiece Seven Samurai as a limited edition Blu-ray! Pre-order here:

40 British Film Institute

First footage released for Lars von Triers Nymphomaniac: What do you think? 

Source: Museum Analytics

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