Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 25 novembre – 02 décembre 2013 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 2 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, aucun musée français n’était présent dans ce baromètre. 


Contenus muséaux les plus « partagés » sur Facebook

6 515 Saatchi Gallery

What a great photo of Yayoi Kusama at her new show in New York!

6 171 Charles M. Schulz Museum

This strip was published on November 12th, 1983.

5 116 Royal Collection Trust

Prince Harry is training in the Antarctic for the #SouthPole2013 race in support of Walking with the Wounded, the charity raises awareness o …

5 046 Charles M. Schulz Museum

Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful to have all of you be a part of our online community and to be able to share these strips with you ev …

4 858 Royal Collection Trust

This festive season, Windsor Castle has been transformed as traditional wreaths and garlands decorate some of the Castle’s most famous State …

4 647 Metropolitan Museum of Art

No text, click here to see the post.

4 368 Charles M. Schulz Museum

This strip was published on February 23rd, 1961.

4 044 Saatchi Gallery

Check out this work by Dihaze called Life between the pages.

3 829 Balboa Park

Good morning!

3 792 Charles M. Schulz Museum

Today is Charles Schulz’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Sparky! This strip was published on May 21st, 1970.


Contenus les plus « partagés » sur Twitter

364 Tate

#HappyBirthday William Blake, born #OnThisDay in 1757 #art

 314 British Museum

William Blake was born #onthisday in 1757. Here are the title pages for Songs of Innocence and of Experience

 308 Museo del Prado

Buenos das, as ha amanecido hoy el Museo

277 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Happy birthday to legendary British artist and poet William Blake, born on this day in 1757.

237 Spoke Art

Limited edition screen print inspired by the TARDIS, available this weekend only via

216 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Fifty years ago today.

181 British Museum

Happy Hanukkah! Heres a menorah on a Judaean copper-alloy coin from 4037 BC

168 Tate

There are clouds up ahead so #Tateweather is inspired by Turner today. Have a great weekend

146 Metropolitan Museum of Art

View a slideshow of Degass dancers: #82ndandFifth

143 Saatchi Gallery

Check out Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama at her exhibition I who have arrived in Heaven, David Zwirner Gallery, NY

Source: Museum Analytics


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