Le CLIC France vous propose une sélection d’articles sur les évolutions et tendances du numérique culturel :
How Tech Is Changing the Museum Experience (14 septembre 2011)
Museums are exploring digital and mobile technologies to enhance visitor experience. Initiatives go beyond technology within exhibits and installations, but also include more pervasive uses of tech to create interactive experiences for visitors throughout a museum, as well as remote experiences for those who cannot get there.
Here, we highlight what three museums are doing to make the experience interactive, educational and engaging.
Article en ligne dans mashable.com
Art Gets Unmasked in the Palm of Your Hand
NY Times (2/12/2010)
“In the ’50s, we were the first museum in the world to have an audio tour,” Hein Wils, a project manager for the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, said last month. “Today, we’re one of the first to have augmented reality.” Mr. Wils was speaking about the museum’s project that lets people use their smartphones to enrich their museum visits. Smartphones can overlay digital content, like images or movies, across real spaces. … The Amsterdam museum is not alone in its use of smartphones. Within the next year, many of the top museums in the world — especially contemporary ones — will introduce applications for smartphones, if they have not done so already. The Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art offered smartphone applications this summer, and European museums are following suit. Think of it as a 21st-century update on the audio guide, that staple of museum education departments.
Time to lose control
Art Basel Miami Beach daily edition (2/12/2010)
Museums have made great strides in adapting to the digital age but they need to go much further
What the iPad can do for museums?
Museum Marketing (28/11/2010)
It is seven months since Apple started to sell the iPad, and in the past couple of months museums around the world have started to release apps or make use of the device in interesting ways.
Les musées jouent la carte numérique
Les Echos (22/11/2010)
Visites virtuelles, numérisation des œuvres, échanges sur les réseaux sociaux, appels aux dons… Les services personnalisés sur Internet se multiplient.
Philly’s new ‘museum’ is free, outdoors, open 24-7
MSNBC (11/11/2010)
Now, in Philadelphia, there’s an app for that. And similar apps exist for art and landmarks in other cities ranging from Seattle to New York. In Philadelphia, the month-old “Museum Without Walls” audio program was created to be used like a customizable museum that’s free and never closes. Its self-guided audio tours are available 24-7 in several different formats: You can call phone numbers listed with each sculpture, use a free smart phone app, download the audio at http://museumwithoutwallsaudio.org to an MP3 player, or scan a special bar code (known as a QR or quick response code) on the free “Museum Without Walls” map at locations around the city.
Using Mobile Phones to Guide Museum Visitors
The chronicle of Philanthropy (29/07/2010)
The American Museum of Natural History, in New York, offers a great example of how museums and other cultural institutions can use the iPhone and other smart-phone devices to help patrons navigate collections and learn about exhibits. …The social-media Web site Mashable notes that other museums—notably the Brooklyn Museum, in New York, and the Graphic Design Museum, in the Netherlands—have iPhone apps. But it praises the American Museum of Natural History’s for the depth of its application.
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