Baromètre mondial de partage social des contenus muséaux / 27 mai – 02 juin 2013 (Museum Analytics)

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Temps de lecture : 3 min

Chaque semaine, le site du Clic France publie le baromètre mondial de la diffusion sur les réseaux sociaux des contenus muséaux établi par Museum Analytics. La semaine dernière, le Musée du Louvre a occupé une place (8è) du top 10 des contenus muséaux les plus relayés sur facebook dans le Monde mais aucun musée français n’est apparu dans le Top 10 des messages sur twitter. 


Contenus muséaux les plus “partagés” sur Facebook

6 252 Saatchi Gallery

This photograph is from Karen Knorr’s series India Song which explores India’s contemporary heritage sites across Rajasthan.

5 225 Saatchi Gallery

Moscow-born Leonid Tishkov has been travelling the world creating installations with an artificially illuminated crescent moon for a project …

5 000 Saatchi Gallery

Enjoy Anders Gjennestad’s gravity-defying mural which you can see in Telemark county, Norway.

4 920 Saatchi Gallery

Check out this stunning photograph from Spanish artist Marie Bovo’s series Interior Courtyards.

4 721 Saatchi Gallery

Happy weekend everyone! Check out this new piece by street artist Seth, which was recently created in Paris.

4 653 Saatchi Gallery

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was denied a via by the Chinese authorities which meant he couldn’t be at this year’s Venice Biennale where he is s …

4 360 Bronx Zoo

Feels like summer out there. Time for a nice dip in the pool? Click “like” if you agree. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher ©WCS

4 192 Musée du Louvre

Les nombreux ostraca de l’exposition « L’art du contour, le dessin dans l’Égypte ancienne », donnent à voir des scènes parodiques dans lesqu …

3 960 Metropolitan Museum of Art

In honor of Memorial Day view this war monument designed by Daniel Chester French to honor his three brothers who died in the Civil War. …

3 794 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Check out our “PUNK: Chaos to Couture” Pinterest board featuring punk fashion, punk heroes, gallery views, and more. This exhibition examine … 


Contenus les plus “partagés” sur Twitter

226 Saatchi Gallery

This is an actual 1953 VW Beetle formed into a perfect sphere by Ichwan Noor at this year’s Art Basel Hong Kong

176 Saatchi Gallery

Irish photographer Richard Mosse uses infrared film to shoot the war torn Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

172 Saatchi Gallery

Artist Adam Martinakis uses his computer-generated artworks to explore the human condition. This is his ‘Golden Boy’

161 British Museum

Pompeii and Herculaneum preserved more frescoes than the rest of the Roman Empire put together #PompeiiExhibition

135 Museum of Modern Art

“A Pollock Restored, a Mystery Revealed” – After 10 months, Pollock’s “One: Number 31, 1950” is back on view

133 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Today is the 96th anniversary of President Kennedy’s birth. Happy Birthday JFK! (Photo: JFK’s 46th birthday party)

117 Museum of Modern Art

See close-up photos of Jackson Pollock’s “One: Number 31,1950” before and after 10 months of #conservation:

100 + National Army Museum

We join our Nation in honoring every service member, of every generation, who has made the ultimate sacrifice.

96 Museo del Prado

#Taldacomohoy en 1640 falleca Rubens. En su estudio encontraron obras como Las tres Gracias

85 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

You can now browse the entire digitized catalog for “Art of Tomorrow” (1939) online via @internetarchive: 

Source: Museum Analytics

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